Dimitra Matsouka : Her personal life and the "label" of the sex symbol

She spoke about the title of the sex symbol that has been given to her, including, Dimitra Matsouka in Glow magazine.

"It simply came to our notice then. However, it is not enough for me, in no case the specific label, I try with my choices and with absolute consistency, I think so, to adhere to what I dreamed of for myself and my job "said the 38-year-old actress, while in a question about sex in the role of "antidote to the absence of deeper relationships", he replied: "Depending on the temperament of the other. Although I do not dedicate the periods where one can, for many and various reasons, to simply desire pleasure, without emotional entanglements ".

As for her attitude towards the media's preoccupation with her personal life: "I did not talk about it even during the 6 years of my relationship with a man, where is, he came without hiding in my premieres, But until there. It was not the most pleasant, I assume, for no one, due to, Nevertheless, of my own shyness and refusal with any such publicity, let's say that soon "everything" became as painless as possible. However, the little that has generally been written over the years about my personal life was something that never happened with my own will and my own agreement, "he said., while at another point in the interview he mentioned: "I have loved and been loved, Yes, or so I want to believe ".

Source : yupi.gr